


an emotion, an elusive state, a peace, an ideal, a wish, an independence, an experience, a permanence.

independent of status, career, conditions, gifts - but not friends, loved ones, soulmates.


just this morning there's an article of two sisters who have made 16,000 'friends' online. an extremity? or simply the misguided, brazen quest for acceptance - a happy seeking pill?


just last night a friend said something subtle but weighted, honest, and a nudge for me to take the right direction in life. i was surprised, concerned, and pleased, for i don't have to hide anymore.

it was also the second time this week someone told me i'm a good man.

i will find myself. i will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes you are. Don't ever doubt that.

Happiness is an art. The more you practice, the easier it becomes. It's also a decision you make. I, too, used to think that having things -- relationships, career, material possessions, etc. -- would make me happy. But it doesn't work that way. You gotta keep things simple. You have to find contentment and happiness in what you do have first. And compassion. Before all else, find your compassion. Only then will all things be yours.

(Sorry, I realise I'm sounding kinda preachy, but it was a long, hard road outta hell, and I feel obliged to tell people what I've learned in the hope that my mistakes will help their journey be a little easier.)