

just got home from shawn's place, to sort of catch up with the others and celebrate liduan's birthday. ooo.. dillon seems to have finally brought me into his circle. :)

kuan give me a ride home, and he asked about everything that has happened, what am i going through, and what am i to do? my answers were inadequate for him at first, a heart/feeling/emotional/actor trying to communicate to a feeling/planning/logical/marketing-man; but i think he got the drift of where i'm coming from finally. still, while he might have understood me, he did not agree.

what were my answers? that me being me, tends to think less about what i want for myself but more of what others would like from and of me. which means that i instinctively make my choices for those i care about rather than what would be best for me. and i allow myself to keep doing that because i seldom have a clue of what to do, or what i want. because i am big-hearted, because i seek love and affirmation, whether or not it is requited.

not knowing what path i wish to take, rather, walking in a pathless field, without a compass, without a map... it seems so dangerous to others, but i can't help being the way i am.

i have no answers, only my dilemma.


Anonymous said...

It IS dangerous. Continue to wander and you'll be lost forever. If the field is pathless, just pick any fuckin' direction and forge your own damn path.

You can't help being who you are...no more than any of the rest of us can help being who WE are. But remember this: your character may forever be set in stone, but your behaviour isn't. It takes a mere three days to form a new habit. Behavioural patterns CAN change. You just gotta put your mind to it.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...just re-read my own comment and I realised it sounded a bit cynical and offensive. Just wanted to reassure you that's not how I meant it. :)
