
How to make a show

First, we find some spare parts...

And spare clothes...

Find a driver,

Finish the car,

And we're almost set.

Add a little sisterly love,

And insanity,

And a little more insanity,

And a little more.






Ready, set, go,

And we have a show!!!


Anonymous said...

*Sigh* A picture truly speaks a thousand words. Seeing that little photo essay just makes my mind boggle at how much we had to do to put this show together; how much we achieved and can be proud of. And how far we've all come both as actors and as friends.

I MISS YOU!!! Keep updating from Alaska, ok??

ghaz said...

Oy! Take out the photo of me can? So embarassing... Haha, anyway I hope u have fun in alaska yar. Oh, btw, I updated my blog. Check it out too, k?

Audrey said...

was reading leslie's blog for the first time...den decided to read urs,hehe...reali nice....the pics are wonderful!hai...i miz the whole process realli...esp the washing of the parts surprisingly,coz i reali reali reali felt the team spirit,u guys rock!muak!!!